My idea with this post is to just kind of do a roundup of activities. I’m basically going to give you a name of an activity and a quick description and then I’ll link to more information so if there’s something you’re like oh that sounds kind of interesting, there’s a deep dive down for you to learn more! I tried to pick these to be as low prep as possible. Most of them are like no extra materials and very low tech, although there are a few that include like a random extra something that you might need to bring from home and you probably don’t just have around school. Let’s get right into it!
Watch the Video
It’s important to note that most of these are not my activities. They are things that I have encountered in various places and I will make sure to list the person that they came from in the spreadsheet of activities below. Some of them have been around for so long that I’m not really sure who came up with them first so if you know, please feel free to comment so I can update that with the appropriate information!
All of the Activities and More!
Each of the activities I described in this video are linked in this spreadsheet, plus about 70 more. I think you’re going to love it – make sure you bookmark the page to easily return to for whenever you need inspiration!
Wrapping Up
If if there is anything that I missed in the spreadsheet, please comment below and let me know! What is one of your favorite activities to do with your classes?
If you like these activities and you want to hear more about any of them check out the playlist that I have here for you! This is my playlist on reading activities so if you liked this, that’s a playlist full of activities kind of like these but more in depth so it’s not like this whirlwind sprint each one has an explanation. I hope it’s helpful for you!