About Me

Get to Know Ashley

Hi! My name is Ashley and I am the Spanish teacher and blogger behind Srta Spanish. I started learning and speaking Spanish in 8th grade, studied Spanish and Education in college, then lived in Segovia, Spain during school. The aqueduct in my logo is inspired by the aqueduct in Segovia!

I started this blog after constantly being inspired by other teachers and what they were sharing on social media and wanting to contribute to the conversation! It was scary at first, but it has been a great place for me to share resources that have worked for me and reflect on things that I’m doing in my classroom.

My Teaching

I started off teaching Spanish, Latin, French, and German to middle school students in a course that I still fondly refer to as the “sample platter of languages”. It was a setting that really helped me explore and try new things as I got the chance to start my course over every quarter as new students rotated!

Then, I taught lower levels of Spanish to high school students. I started using different methods to provide my students with comprehensible input such as story telling, story asking, movie talk, picture talk, and other daily classroom routines! I also love using games, different reading activities, and technology in my classroom.

This past year I stepped out of the classroom and became a stay at home mama to my little one! I love that creating here and on Instagram helps me remain connected so I’m ready when it’s time for me to return to students.

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