Day before Spring Break Lesson Plan for Spanish

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Today, I want to help you plan an engaging last day of Spanish class before spring break. We’ll chat about some fantastic activities that are low prep and easy to use with your students. Here’s your low stress day before spring break lesson plan for Spanish class!

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Day before Spring Break Lesson Plan

The day before break is usually low motivation for everyone. In my opinion, it’s best to go with a plan that is really low energy for everyone, not a waste of time, but also not a BIG deal if 50% of your students miss it because they’re already on the road, you know? That leaves us with a few options. 

Also, if you teach multiple preps, you can do the same thing with every class, or you can pick a couple of the ideas I’m going to share with you – whatever floats your boat!

Finally, with all of my classes I always do our start of class routine and then our daily routine first – even on the last day of class. You can learn more about those routines here, if you’d like!

Sound good? Let’s chat about some options for your day before break lesson plan!

Spring Roll a Story Writing Activity

Let’s start off with one of my favorites! This Spring themed Roll a Story activity is so low stress and is perfect for all of your preps – they’ll self-level! Choose and pass out which roll a story sheet you prefer. You’ll choose between the version with the vocabulary written in, or the blank boxes.

Download here!

Students roll a die to discover main elements of their story and then grab a graphic organizer. You can also copy it double sided! There are a few graphic organizer options for you to choose from. In this step, students think through their story step by step to develop their rough draft.

Download here!

At this point, students can also use scaffolding to support them! I have mentioned before that I consider high frequency verbs to be one of the must have displays up in a classroom, but as a traveler, I know that not every classroom has space! If you’re in that situation, I definitely recommend the printable scaffolding sheet for students.

Once students have finished their draft, they can move to their final version of their story and illustrate it! There are also versions of this page for them to create a glossary, in case they looked up words their classmates won’t know, and a full page sheet in case they need more space.

You can definitely use this for more than one day, or you can save the sharing part for after you come back from break so you have an easy plan already done!

Conjugation Clouds

This craft is perfect for springtime! Students write an infinitive on the cloud, then conjugate the verb on the rain drops! Students cut them out, then attach the rain drops to the cloud. You can give students ribbon, construction paper, yarn – whatever you want! In the example above, I accordion folded the construction paper to give it a little more movement. Your students can add their own creativity too!

You can let your students choose from any verbs you’ve studied this year, or you can give them a list to choose from! There are also versions of the rain drops with or without vosotros in case your curriculum doesn’t include it. Click here to grab the print and go craftivity!

Before Break Weekend Chat

 Weekend chat is one of my favorite daily routines, and this is actually something we do on Mondays and Fridays, but we do them a little bit differently. On Mondays you talk about what you did last weekend, and on Fridays you talk about what are they going to do.

This activity is just the thing for before AND after break! Students write and share about their plans for break, or what they did while they were gone! Click here to check it out!

Download here!

I love that I can use this for every level of Spanish I teach because it includes so many options! I’ve also put multiple options out to let my students choose from and I love that they self-differentiate.

Before AND after break options included!

Spring Themed Movie Talk

Movie Talks are one of my favorite ways to deliver comprehensible input to my students! To be 100% honest, this is more ME than I usually like to do before a break, but maybe you’ve got more energy (or more coffee) than I do.

See them all here!

Check out this round up of fun Spring Themed Shorts for Movie Talks!

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More Spring Activities for Spanish Class

Check out this blog post with several different, springy activities you can use with your Spanish classes this season!

Is the end of your spring break drawing nigh? This post is perfect for you!

Ashley Mikkelsen

Hi, I'm Ashley. I'm so glad you're here! I love helping secondary Spanish teachers with engaging activities and ideas for their lesson plans. I can't wait to support you with no and low prep activities to help reduce your workload!


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