One of my favorite classroom management tips is using routine to establish procedures – both for the benefit of the students and the teachers! Students know what to expect and appreciate the structure in place. While I use different routines on each day of the week, I start class the same way each day to build relationships with my students, grow our classroom community, and also work on some of those concepts I have to cover throughout the year, instead of doing an entire unit on them. Check out these ideas for your start of class routine for Spanish!
Start of Class Routine for Spanish Class
Click the links to see the activities shown:
Why I love this routine:
This is a fantastic way to build classroom community. Not only do you take the time to check in with each student, you get to learn more about their lives, and their personal preferences! Sometimes we develop class jokes over little things that happen during this routine, and because they’re so supported with the scaffolding, students are willing to take risks with the language as they share with us!
I also love that it essentially cuts my emotions, weather, and days/dates units in half – or removes them completely! As I’ve always taught as a member of a larger department, using a textbook, I have things that I HAVE to cover. This is a great routine to include those topics in a very natural, communicative context!
Do you have a similar routine? What do you do to begin class each day?
I’d love to hear it!