Black History Month Reading for Spanish Class

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February is Black History Month in the United States! Today I wanted to share Black History Month Reading for Spanish Class you can use, as well as some ideas for different ways you could incorporate them into your lesson plans for Black History Month in Spanish class!

Looking for more than just reading activities? Check out my blog post on Black History Month in Spanish Class here!

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Black History Month Reading for Spanish Class

Gallery walks are one of my favorite things to do with my students. They get students up and moving, and are a great way to get some more input in without requiring a lot of energy on your part! I have a whole post on why I think Gallery Walks are great so make sure to check that out. The reading passages I’m sharing today are something I love to do as a gallery walk – you can grab them below!

Warm Ups for the Start of Class

Instead of using the readings all at once in a gallery walk, you could use one a day as a classroom warm up. Project the reading and give your students some simple comprehension questions in English – or Spanish! (I prefer English because I want them to show me understanding, rather than pulling out chunks of language from the reading). Here are some ideas for comprehension questions:

  1. Who is the reading about?
  2. When were they born?
  3. How would you describe them?
  4. What are some of their accomplishments? What are they known for?

Mentor Text

After going through all of the readings included, your students might be ready to create a short passage of their own! They can use the short readings as an example for what to include:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Where they are from
  • Interests
  • What they’re known for
  • Add vocabulary support in the form of footnotes – especially if you plan on them sharing these with their classmates, it’s good for them to note any specific terms or phrases that might be outside of their vocabulary!

Give the students someone to research, or have them pick a person or a field interesting to them and find someone who contributed (or is contributing!) to it!

After students have finished you can turn them into your own gallery walk, have the student present their finished project, or post them for a bulletin board!

Classroom Display

The printable readings are also a great option for a classroom display! @Sra.sholl shared this post last year about how after she and her students had used the readings she hung them on a bulletin board for decoration. I love that idea! What an easy way to make a display!

Black History Month in Spanish Class

How do you educate students about Black History Month in your classroom or school? Do you do anything special for the month? Let me know!

Ashley Mikkelsen

Hi, I'm Ashley. I'm so glad you're here! I love helping secondary Spanish teachers with engaging activities and ideas for their lesson plans. I can't wait to support you with no and low prep activities to help reduce your workload!


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