8 Easy to Use Spanish Sub Plans

When you wake up feeling crummy and you’re in a pinch, the LAST thing you want to do is plan a sub day, or worry about your students falling behind if you’re in a tight pacing guide. Today I wanted to share some “anytime” sub plan activities you can use when you need to step […]

5 Activities for Clothing Vocabulary in Spanish

If you are looking for activities for clothing vocabulary in Spanish class, about to teach your unit on la ropa in Spanish class, or looking for ideas for your clothing unit with your middle school or high school Spanish classes, this is the post for you! Check out 5 activities you can use with your Spanish students! […]

5 Winter Freebies for Spanish Class

I’ve done lots of snow and holiday blog posts over the years, but depending on what the weather is up to in your neck of the woods you might have a snowy winter ahead with lots of weird schedule days for late starts, early dismissals, or just days off. I wanted to share 5 winter […]

Holidays in Spain Reading Activity & Sub Plan

This time of year can feel so overwhelming, and if you have to be gone for a sick day, doctor’s appointment, or have something fun planned, a sub plan can feel like one more thing on your plate. I love to use sub days to teach a cultural lesson and this time of year it’s […]