First Day of Spanish 1 Activities

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Are you thinking ahead to your plans for the first day of Spanish 1 activities? Let’s talk about what to do in your Spanish 1 classes on your 1st day of school!

Last June my colleague and I went to a TPRS conference in St. Louis. One of the things the presenter did was give us an example of his first day of school and it was RIVETING. We were all so into it, laughing and having a great time – we walked out that day and said we HAVE to try this in August!

So what did he do, and how did we do it?

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First Day of Spanish 1 Activities Video

What should students do first in Spanish?

I don’t know about you, but our first day of school is NEVER normal. It’s actually super weird. Some classes are less than half length, some are full length, class periods are out of order, we do a code red drill, a full evacuation of the school AND an assembly. Yep. It’s a lot! Because it was so weird, I really just wanted to let the students feel comfortable and welcomed in my room, while starting to get to know them.

Students were greeted at the door and handed a character card to help them find their seat. In the past I have used these from Martina Bex, but I also love these cuties from Mrs. Cabello’s Spanish Class!

All of my Spanish I classes wound up being the shortened length (20 minutes) so we made name tags to get set up for the next day!

Here are my name tags! This also includes a student information sheet that they could do if they finish quickly.

I always tell them to make their first name BIG and their last name more normal size off to the right. I love having both first and last names on the name tag so I can start putting it all together. The back of the name tag has space for them to draw some things about their likes. While they’re working, I turn on my Pandora station and I walk around looking at faces, names, and illustrations, chatting and trying to get to know them!

If the whole class is finished, we play some simple name games – my favorite is tossing a ball around asking “¿Cómo te llamas?” and responding. Easy, low prep, and low stress! Watch the video below for an explanation of how to play that game:

First Day of Spanish 1 Activities

Our crazy first day almost always feels like a dream. The next day we come to school and it’s like, “Oh! HERE’S the first day of school.” Day 2 for us is normal schedule, normal length class periods, so it’s more like our “real” first day.

The demo from the conference used a technique based off of Ben Slavic’s Circling With Balls activity. This link has videos, and a full explanation! We decided to go with something similar to Circling with Balls, but not quite the same.

Materials Needed for the First Day of Spanish 1 Activities

First, we dug through closets and sent school-wide emails requesting balls and gathered up a collection. I wound up with a volleyball, baseball, football, soccer ball, golf ball, and a tennis ball in my bag. I think next year, as I’m planning ahead of time I’ll keep my eye out at garage sales, dollar stores, and maybe even check out something like this variety pack!

Students cleared EVERYTHING off of their desks, and had the slide below projected. I made a big show of digging wayyyyy into the bag (I used a laundry bag so it was HUGE) and pulling out something but I didn’t show it to them just yet.

Using the slide as a support I pointed, paused, and said, “Este es una pelota de….” then I revealed the ball in my hand and said, “tenis”. Some students laughed. Others just stared. Several of them went, “Ohhhhh” when they figured it out. YES! OH! I restated the whole sentence, pointing and pausing, then as a quick aside in English I “whispered”, “If you understand go, ‘Oooohhhhhhh’!”.

Want to grab the slides used in this presentation? They’re available in my Free Resource Library for my newsletter subscribers!

Circling Away!

From there I built to some circling – yes/no, either or, using cognates with sport names (tenis o béisbol).  I used LOTS of comprehension checks and questioning. I introduced more balls. Once I had about three balls out, I picked a student and asked if they played the first sport. I used the info on their name tags to help me, but I also intentionally picked a few kids who would say, “No” to include them in that way.

Click here to read my post on How to Circle for more examples and information!

From there I just kind of let the conversation flow. This person plays this, but that person doesn’t. Does this person play that sport well? OF COURSE. Does that person play that sport well? No…they don’t play that sport, silly! They play the other sport! And they’re AWESOME at it! Wait, who plays what again? Help me remember!

We have a soccer player who plays better than Ronaldo (of course) a football player who plays better than the Eagles (yes, all of them) and a tennis player who is better than the golf player at tennis (surprise!). Don’t worry, that golf player is the best golf player ever.

You get the idea.

It was super fun, and they were surprised and how much they could do.

First Day of Spanish 1 Activities & Notes

I had a lot of fun and so did the students! I’ll definitely do something like this again next year.

The nice thing about circling with balls and sports is that you know you have cognates with the sports and you can come prepared with visuals. Especially since this was my first time trying this on our first day of class I really liked feeling like there was a plan in what we were going to talk about, and visuals with the slide and props.

Cassie (aka @miss.maestra) and I were chatting about how it could be nice to just use gustar and the images students draw on their name tags to make sure all students are included, not just the ones who play sports! While I felt like all students were included in the conversation, it could be nice to make sure it’s open.

One of my class periods had students who weren’t super sporty, and a student volunteered “Billy (not his real name) juega Fortnite!” (translation: Billy plays Fortnite!) WHOA! I was blown away. They volunteered that, sharing a WHOLE SENTENCE in SPANISH, after about 15 minutes of the Circling with Balls activity. We definitely spent the next chunk of time talking about who does and doesn’t play Fortnite, and who plays it well. BOOM.

Click here to save this post for later!

First Week of Spanish Class Activities

What do you do after these first day of Spanish class activities? Well, on the third day of class we did some reading activities that used the same structures. Super short, but man, did they feel amazing being able to read and understand all of it. Such a great way to start off the year!

If you’re looking for other ways to incorporate this activity, Magister P shared this post about another way to use it for student discussion!

What do you think? Would you try this activity out on your first day of school?

After the first few days of Spanish, we step into this unit for the full first week of Spanish class activities.

Click here to see more about the first week of Spanish class!

Spanish Teacher Tees

If you’re looking for a fun tee to wear during your lessons, check these out!

Ashley Mikkelsen

Hi, I'm Ashley. I'm so glad you're here! I love helping secondary Spanish teachers with engaging activities and ideas for their lesson plans. I can't wait to support you with no and low prep activities to help reduce your workload!


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15 Responses

  1. This is an amazing activity! May be used for the first day of class or later with other activities. I will be trying this activity with my class, even though it’s the 2nd week of school.

  2. Can you email me a copy of your plans?
    I am looking for llama themed things so i appreciate anything you can share

  3. I wish I’d seen this post a month ago! But I think I’ll try it anyway, even though it’s not the beginning of the school year. I just have to figure out how to adapt it to German. Kein Problem 👍

  4. Hi Srta Spanish,

    I really liked your 1st day of school activity. Do you have it written and ready to go?
    I went to TPT also and only found the name tags but not the lesson itself.

    I also bought the cognate bundle but could not find the lesson itself.

    Please advise.

  5. I can’t wait to try this next week at the start of school. I’m literally throwing away my plans because this is much more simple and more fun. Thank you for walking through the lesson so clearly. I need my hand held while dipping my toes into CI.

  6. Hola. I am super excited to try these ideas for the first few days of school. Last year I literally signed my contract 12 hours before the first day, after being a stay at home mom for the previous 15 years, (I taught for 8 years before my oldest was born). I stepped into the classroom again with literally zero preparation, so I am excited to do a bunch of fun ice breaker type circling drills this year.

    PS I used your resources regularly last year—my students loved them and so did I. We had an amazing year together, despite the whirlwind of an entrance back into teaching.

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