A SUPER common question I see pop up in Facebook groups often centers around heritage speakers in your classroom. Often, they’re registered for your novice Spanish classes – where the level is clearly not the right fit for them! Sometimes, you’re starting a heritage speakers class, and you’re not sure what to do for curriculum, or where to get started. In this blog post, I wanted to share some tips for teaching a heritage speakers class!

Tips for Teaching a Heritage Speakers Class
I have personally never taught a heritage speakers class, but my friend Courtney from Profe Nygaard is a pro! I reached out to her and she agreed to share her expertise with us. She’s going to answer our top asked questions, and then give us some resources for where we can get more support if needed!
- Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your teaching experience? How did you come to teach a heritage Spanish speaker class?
- Who are heritage speakers exactly? What is the difference between a heritage speaker and a native speaker?
- What does the curriculum look like with heritage Spanish speakers?
- What is the biggest challenge with teaching a heritage Spanish speaker class?
- What is your favorite thing about teaching heritage Spanish class?
- What ideas do you have for someone that has heritage speakers mixed into their L2 classes?
- What resources can you recommend for learning more about teaching a heritage Spanish class?
Links mentioned:
- www.profenygaard.com
- www.heritagespanish.com
- https://adventuresinheritageteaching.com/
- https://growingwithheritagelearners.home.blog/
- https://growingglobalcitizens.com/
- https://mygenerationofpolyglots.com/
Connect with Courtney
Learn more from Courtney on her website profenygaard.com. If you just found out you’re teaching a heritage class or just need some new ideas to spice up your curriculum, that’s the place to be!