That to-do list always seems never-ending, right? Being on the internet can’t make your list any shorter, it might even distract you and keep you from accomplishing your work! Fortunately, the internet is also full of tools to streamline your work, save you time, and help you tackle that to do list!

What are Chrome Extensions?
In short, they’re little tools you can add onto the Chrome browser to personalize your browser to your needs and workflow. The right Chrome Extensions will make your day so much easier (and maybe bring you some joy!).
We’re going to start off with some general Chrome tips.
- Shift+Command/Control+Tab = to open up a tab you just closed – My students refer to this one as the “magic trick”!
- {Right Click on Tab}
- Pin Tab – makes the tab smaller & “sticky” so you don’t accidentally delete it
- Duplicate – exactly as it sounds – duplicates the tab you have selected
- Bookmark All Tabs – Quick way to save everything you currently have open in the browser
- Just the images in the Bookmarks Bar – When you Bookmark a site, remove the name. Then it will only show up with the little icon instead of icon + text
My Favorite Extensions:
- AdBlock Plus – Blocks ads…like it says.
- URL Shortener – Shortens a URL and also provides the option to create a QR code
- Explain & Send Screenshots – Capture or record a video of your screen, write text or arrows and share it. Save to Google Drive. I love this one when I’m walking students through a new site!
- Screencastify – Screencasting tool that syncs within your Google Drive
- Special Characters Click & Paste – second language specific, but super helpful to add accents without installing a 2nd keyboard onto a device – great for BYOD schools, or 1:1 settings!
- Tab Glue – This extension works with Tab Scissors (below) to reunite your two browser windows into one.
- Tab Scissors – This simple extension lets you divide your Chrome browser window in two – great when you want to compare documents or websites side by side. Get Tab Glue (above) to put the two windows back together again.
Sharing is caring!
What are your favorite extensions? Contribute to the list here!
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