Reading Activities to Teach La Familia in Spanish Class

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Do you teach a unit on family in your Spanish classroom? One of my favorite activities during a unit is a gallery walk! It’s great to get students moving and getting lots of input with short reading selections. I can’t wait to share some of my favorite reading activities to teach la familia in Spanish class!

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Readings for Comprehensible Input

One of my favorite strategies to help students develop their confidence in reading is gallery walks. Students get a lot of opportunities to interact with both the grammar and vocabulary from the unit. They become more confident as they read several paragraphs and are successful at understanding the meaning in the short selections!

I love using gallery walks because students can focus on a small reading at a time, instead of seeing all of the text at once. This helps them not to be overwhelmed when they realize they’re actually reading a lot in their second language!

Students also like that a gallery walk allows for them to get up and out of their seats – or sometimes, even outside of the classroom!

Find Someone Who..

I started posting the readings around the classroom with a scavenger hunt activity. I love that this requires them to read for a specific piece of information in the paragraphs, not just wander around and look at them!

This scavenger hunt also has students complete the family tree. I love that this includes the visual piece of the relationships described in the readings to check for comprehension!

Writing Activity for La Familia in Spanish

As students finish up the gallery walk, it’s nice to have an extension activity. I love having them do a writing activity that is really a re-reading activity. This helps them get a little bit more out of the paragraphs.

In the comprehension questions, students read and answer a few short questions based on the information in the paragraphs. Next, they answer some comprehension questions about their own families!

In the next activity page, students read another paragraph. Then, they re-write the sentences so they are true about themselves. This is a great way to scaffold writing for students as the structures are already there for them, they just have to shift numbers and words to match what they need!

Reading Comprehension for Google Slides and Boom Cards

Another option for these readings is to use the reading comprehension questions! Each short reading has three comprehension questions so students can read and check for understanding. These are available as both Google Slides and Boom Cards, in case you prefer one over the other! Click here to check out the Boom Cards reading comprehension set!

Reading Activities to Teach La Familia

Click here to check out these reading activities to teach la familia in Spanish class! The best thing about these passages is that they can be used on Google Classroom as part of your distance learning. Thank goodness!

These short readings are a great way for your students to get lots of input! It includes 14 short readings about different people written in comprehensible language. Each reading includes vocabulary supports at the bottom of the page to help your students be successful.

In this reading activities bundle, you will have access to over 120 short passages. Click the image below to check it out in my shop.

Click here to see the bundle!

You can also find these reading comprehension activities in Boom Cards format! Boom Cards are great for distance learning and can also be used for stations. Check them out here.


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Ashley Mikkelsen

Hi, I'm Ashley. I'm so glad you're here! I love helping secondary Spanish teachers with engaging activities and ideas for their lesson plans. I can't wait to support you with no and low prep activities to help reduce your workload!


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