Spanish Daily Routine & Reflexive Verbs Easy Reading

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If your middle school and high school students are working with Spanish daily routines and reflexive verbs in your “Rutina Diaria” unit, you’ll love these short easy reading passages for your students! Let’s take a look at a great source of input for discussing daily routine in Spanish using reflexive verbs!

Daily Routine in Spanish Vocabulary

Spanish Reflexive Verbs Included (Infinitive Form Listed):

  • acostarse
  • afeitarse
  • arreglarse
  • cepillarse
  • desayunarse
  • despertarse
  • dormirse
  • ducharse
  • lavarse
  • levantarse
  • maquillarse
  • ponerse
  • prepararse
  • relajarse
  • secarse

Personal Care Vocabulary:

  • cepillo de dientes
  • champรบ
  • desodorante
  • dientes
  • espejo
  • hilo de dientes
  • jabรณn
  • maquillaje
  • pasta de dientes
  • pelo
  • secador de pelo
  • toalla

Spanish Daily Routine & Reflexive Verbs Easy Reading Passages

These Spanish reading comprehension passages are perfect for your La Rutina Diaria unit Spanish lesson plans! This resource includes 14 short readings about girl and her daily activities written in comprehensible language. The readings include vocabulary supports at the bottom of the page to help your students be successful. The readings walk through the girl’s day and how she takes care of herself! This is perfect for practicing present tense reflexive and non-reflexive verbs as students will get plenty of examples with reflexive pronouns and verb conjugation throughout the reading passages.

The comprehensible reading passages include:

  • Whatโ€™s going on in her daily routine
  • Sequence words to describe where in the routine it takes place (after ____ I do ____, then, next, first, etc)
  • The items/materials she needs to complete that part of her daily routine
  • How she feels about that part of her routine
  • How often she does that action 

The readings are written in present tense and include a vocabulary glossary at the bottom of each reading to support your Spanish language learners! Follow the main character through her morning routine, daily schedule, and her daily routine activities before she goes to bed. These are a great way to give students tons of input without overwhelming them!

Activity Pages for Daily Routine in Spanish Using Reflexive Verbs

The easy reading passages come with activity pages & student handouts to use with your classes! In the first activity, students start by comparing their complete daily routine with the main character in the target language. First, students read the reading passages. If the girl did the activity listed, put a check mark next to it. If they did the activity, circle โ€œyo tambiรฉnโ€. If they did not, they should circle โ€œyo noโ€. Finally, they write a sentence on the line to say what they did or did not do. This is a great way to scaffold the sentence structure with reflexive verbs as students won’t have to change the subject of the sentence or the conjugated verb. They can just re-write it and add a “no”, depending on their answer. 

This is the perfect way to help students ease into using subject pronoun, reflexive pronoun, and the correct use of reflexive verbs without having to focus too much on the verb form.

The next activity is great for personal hygiene vocabulary and commonly used vocabulary words. Again, students revisit the reading passages. Then, they look at the illustrations of the Spanish daily routine vocabulary. If the main character used the item, they’ll highlight it and label the Spanish vocabulary word. If she did not, they’ll mark it with an X.

In the third student handout, students will make a timeline of the distinct activities the girl does, in order. Once again, they’ll re-read the reading passages. Then, they’ll write each of the actions in order, starting with her typical wake-up times, moving to early afternoon, and into the evening throughout her day. You can have them complete this in Spanish, or English. It’s a great activity to get students revisiting the Spanish daily routine verbs used in the comprehensible passages!

The next two pages are similar writing activities, however one is a bit more scaffolded than the other. In one, students answer six personal questions about their daily routine. Then, they’ll illustrate their day in the space below. In the second version, students simply share about the activities they do on a daily basis and any additional information they would like to include in their writing sample. 

Printable Short Story for Spanish Class

If you’d like, you can use the included cover and final page to turn this short set of readings into a mini book to add to your FVR classroom library!

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Ashley Mikkelsen

Hi, I'm Ashley. I'm so glad you're here! I love helping secondary Spanish teachers with engaging activities and ideas for their lesson plans. I can't wait to support you with no and low prep activities to help reduce your workload!


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