Subject Pronouns in Spanish Worksheet Resources

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If your Spanish students are working on personal pronouns, you might find you need some additional practice in your lesson plans! Spanish subject pronouns can be tricky for students if they’re expected to learn them on an explicit timeline, but if that is how your school sets up the curriculum and pacing guide, then you’ll need to support them! Let’s look at Spanish subject pronouns worksheets you can use for practice in your Spanish classes!

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List of Subject Pronouns in Spanish

  • yo
  • vos Latin America
  • él
  • ella
  • usted
  • nosotros
  • nosotras
  • vosotros Spain
  • vosotras Spain
  • ellos
  • ellas
  • ustedes

You’ll notice that the feminine forms end in “a” while masculine forms end in “o”. The plural form of the subject pronouns end in “s”. As noted above, the “vos” form is generally used in South and Latin America, while the “vosotros” form is used in Spain.

Sometimes it helps students to have a visual to see the different Spanish pronouns and help them connect the word with an image

Download these posters here!

The poster shows a group of females huddled together to illustrate the word “nosotras”, while the second page shows a group of women being discussed with the label “ellas”. You can also use different images to show “él” and “ella” for the feminine and masculine form. 

Download these posters here!

These Spanish Subject Pronouns – color & bw – are available for download as a bonus here!

If you like to have your students do conjugation charts when learning verb conjugations, you can also create a conjugation chart with just the Spanish subject pronouns that they can use for reference in their notebooks. This helps set them up to be familiar with the chart when they work on conjugating the verb form to match the correct subject pronoun. Students can record the English counterparts in the chart instead of the forms of the conjugated verb.

This download is available in my Free Resource Library!

Spanish Subject Pronouns Practice

As your students are working on Spanish subject pronouns, you might find that they struggle identifying the subject of the sentence, or who is doing the action of the verb in the sentence. Sometimes it can be helpful to do a sort of intro grammar activity as a class to help students just find and underline the subject in each sentence, then re-write the sentence with the correct subject pronoun.

If your students don’t struggle with identifying the subject, you can skip this in your lesson plans! I have found it can be especially helpful to introduce so you can reinforce it later when teaching reflexive verbs in Spanish and doing Spanish direct object pronouns practice!

It’s one of those things we are just so comfortable with in our first languages that sometimes students of world languages or foreign languages don’t realize they have learned it. It just takes time (and comprehensible input)!

Click here to read the blog post!

Subject Pronouns Maze Activity

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I love maze games for practicing Spanish vocabulary and grammar! In this lesson idea, students begin by first filling out the table with the correct Spanish subject pronoun. Then, they find their way through the maze by choosing the right answer on the path. They repeat those steps to find their way through the maze.

For example, if a box reads, “Mi nombre es Ashley y _____ soy de los Estados Unidos.”, they’ll follow the path that says “yo” because the subject of that sentence is the first person. They’ll repeat that, step by step, until they “escape” from the maze! This is such a fun way to gamify Spanish grammar as students work to pick the right choice and follow each correct answer out of the labyrinth.

This worksheet is a great option for independent work, or even an interactive quiz. An answer key is included, too!

Click here to read the post!

Click here to see 10 ways to play maze games in your World Languages classes!

Spanish Subject Pronouns Scavenger Hunt

Corre en Círculos is one of my all time favorite activities for reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary practice. Introducing it early in the year is a great way to let students practice and have fun at the same time! The game is traditionally played by hanging up the clues on the wall. Students look at the clue on the paper and write their answer, then find their answer somewhere on another sheet!

Click here to learn more about this game in your Spanish classes!

For this version, students look at an image and write the Spanish subject pronoun that is represented. For example, if they see a group of people like pictured below, they would write “ellos” and then continue until they find their answer on another clue card. This is one of the most engaging in-class practice activities I have ever done with middle school and high school students!

Download Here

If you would like to give students additional support in understanding the images, there is a good modified version with clarifiers such as “talking to them” next to the images to help! An answer key is included for you to quickly check students’ work.

Download Here

Subject Pronouns “Bump!” Game

Bump! is a fun, low prep review game that gets students speaking in a low-stress way. The materials needed are probably already in your classroom!

Download Here

Materials Needed:

  • Game board – make enough copies for pairs of students
  • 1 die* per pair
  • A set of markers per player. These should be different colors. Mini erasersmanipulatives like these, or even just squares of construction paper in different colors work great!

Note​: If you don’t have dice, there are free “roll a dice” pages online, or even printable dice you could use instead! Here’s a website that popped up when I googled it, but there are many out there to choose from.

I love using dice so I have a bunch I keep handy. Here’s my favorite way to store and use them with students:

My set is very similar to this one!

Now that you have gathered the materials, here’s how to play Bump!


  • Players take turns to roll the die. 
  • They say the correct subject pronoun – either out loud, or written on a mini whiteboard – according to the number rolled.
  • Then, they cover the correct word with one of their markers, covering the larger text.
  • If another player has covered that form, they can “bump” that marker off, and put their own in its place. 
  • If the word is covered by one of the players own markers, they can put another marker on top and they have won that space.
  • You can only bump if there is only one marker on the space.
  • The game ends when all of the spaces have 2 markers on them.
  • The winner has the most markers on the board.
Download Here

For example, if students roll a “2” they would say the second person, according to the chart on the game board. If they say the correct Spanish subject pronoun, they can cover the word with one of their markers. The goal is to “own” as many spaces as possible! The game board comes in color and in black and white, so you can choose the version that works best for you!

Spanish Subject Pronouns Listening Exercises

In this worksheet, students listen to 3 listening activities that focus on recognizing what they hear. It’s the perfect task for novices! In the first section, students listen and circle the correct subject pronoun that they hear. In the second exercise, students put a check under the image if it correctly illustrates the word that you heard. If it was incorrect, they mark it with an X so they can show it did not match. In the third exercise, students listen and write the subject pronoun that they hear. They can use the first listening activity as a word bank if they need it!

Download Here

These listening exercises come with 3 audio files. It’s so nice for students to hear different Spanish speakers! It could also be a good option for your Spanish subject pronoun quiz for a formative assessment in the middle of your full unit! Answer key included for easy grading.

Los Pronombres Personales Stations 

If you’d like to grab all of the worksheets described, you can download them here. This print and go resource is low prep for you, but offers a variety of ways for students to practice! The stations include reading, writing, speaking, and listening practices for subject pronouns for novices. This station set is not meant to be students’ very first introduction to subject pronouns, but it is good practice for after a lesson!

You can choose to use all of the activities on one day in stations, or use each of them separately for review. Station instruction sheets are included as well as answer keys!

Download Here

Please note that these are printable stations and no digital option is included. Students will need access to a device to listen to the audio file for the listening station.

Spanish Subject Pronouns Bundle

Check out this bundle of practice activities! The whole package includes the stations described above, an additional set of maze worksheets, Boom Cards, and the Spanish subject pronouns poster set in color and black and white!

Click here to download printable and digital practice activities!

Ser & Subject Pronoun Activities

Once your students have started learning Spanish subject pronouns, it’s great to add in the verb “ser” & subject pronoun activities. Here are a few activities that your students might like:

Click here to download the virtual field trip!

Those also can make great sub plans!

Looking for More?

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Grab this free activity!

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Ashley Mikkelsen

Hi, I'm Ashley. I'm so glad you're here! I love helping secondary Spanish teachers with engaging activities and ideas for their lesson plans. I can't wait to support you with no and low prep activities to help reduce your workload!


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